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Speak at a Conference

Submissions for Converge25 Conference Presenters Opening Soon!

Please check back for updates around mid-February. 

Email Madison Ongstad at if you have any questions.

We are always on the lookout for diverse, engaging speakers and volunteer speakers. Join us in maximizing the growth of CPAs in Arizona by presenting at one of the conferences we host annually:

  • Not-for-Profit Conference (June)
  • Converge, the ASCPA's annual conference (October)
  • Governmental Accounting Conference (February)

Speak at Converge

Converge is the ASCPA's annual conference, combining eight specialty areas to bring attendees cutting-edge content relevant to Arizona CPAs. 

Learning tracks allow our attendees to attend sessions most relevant to their areas of practice. Tracks include tax, corporate finance, financial planning, construction, business valuation, litigation services, technology, accounting & assurance and leadership. 

To ensure we are delivering fresh and relevant content each year, the ASCPA is always seeking new and engaging speakers. All proposals must be submitted using the online form below. Multiple proposals can be submitted but do not submit the same proposal more than once.

Submission Dates

  • April 20, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. MST: Call for proposals closes
  • Mid-May 2025: Conference session notifications, speaker agreements due
  • August 8, 2025: Session materials due for review
  • October 20-21, 2025: Converge Conference

Online Submission Form

After reviewing the Submission Guidelines below, click on the "Start Submission" button to access the online proposal form.

Please have the following items prepared for submission prior to starting the survey:

- Contact information for all speakers

- Headshots for all speakers (PNG and JPEG files only)

- Presentation slides or detailed outline of proposed presentation (PDF and DOCX  files only)

Remember to click the Submit button. If you exit the survey, your proposal will not be saved. Click here to preview the survey before you begin.

Requirements and frequently asked questions

Submission Guidelines

What should I prepare before beginning the form?
  • Plan your submission in advance. Only completed submissions will be reviewed. We suggest preparing your proposal fully before beginning the online form.
  • Use clear, error-free and concise language. Proposals require clear and concise titles, outcomes-focused descriptions and at least three takeaways. These action-oriented and deliberate learning objectives should answer the prompt “After this, participants will be able to…” The ASCPA retains the right to modify titles and descriptions during copy editing for marketing purposes.
  • The primary point of contact (POC) is the person submitting the proposal. The ASCPA will communicate all notifications and deadlines with the POC, who is responsible for sharing information as needed with co-leaders/panelists.
  • All proposed speakers must be listed. Proposed content leaders, including the number of content leaders, will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee prior to acceptance. All accepted content leaders must sign and abide by the terms listed in our Speaker Agreement.
What kind of content can I present?
  • Avoid all commercial bias. Sessions perceived by attendees as commercially biased in content (including the use of client examples or proprietary tools/models) are unacceptable. Any submission that is not educational in nature, free of commercial motive/intent or replicable by attendees without the author’s assistance will not be accepted. If the proposal is accepted and is found to be in violation of this policy, you may forfeit future speaking opportunities.
  • First here, first heard. We seek to create a premiere event for our communities of practices, and therefore (other factors being equal) priority is given to proposals that include original content designed exclusively for the ASCPA that has not already been presented at ASCPA conferences or other non-ASCPA events in the profession.
  • All accepted content leaders must adhere to published deadlines. You must be committed and responsive to working with the ASCPA to deliver exceptional service by adhering to deadlines, including submitting program materials not less than one (1) month prior to the start of the conference for review/approval.
  • All accepted content leaders must observe intellectual property rights. Presenters must ensure that information, illustrations, images contained in presentations, related materials and visual aids shall be factual and not be misleading and will not violate the intellectual property or copyrights of any third party. Written documentation of ownership or permission must be provided upon request and is required for all video and television/film-related imagery.
What Learning Format should I select in the form?

Learning formats support a range of instructional methods that give attendees more control over setting priorities and choosing the right content, materials and methods that match their learning styles and objectives. On the form, check all the session format options that your session could fit into.

Expert Lecture (50-60 minutes): A formal presentation by one or two discussion leaders that explores a single idea with practical tips.

Panel Discussion (50-60 minutes): A discussion with one moderator and up to three panelists presenting perspectives around a specific topic.

Deep Dive (60-90 minutes): A highly interactive presentation given by one or two discussion leaders developing skills through collaborative learning.

Workshop (2-3 hours): An in-depth, hands-on experience facilitated by one or two discussion leaders for practical instruction or to enhance the attendees' skills. This format relies on audience participation and engagement.

What Topic should I select in the form?

While proposals may address more than one of these core focus areas, you must select the one which is the best fit. Core topic areas include:

  • Accounting and Auditing
  • Business Valuation & Forensics & Litigation Services
  • Construction
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Tax
  • Technology
  • Leadership & Development
What is the Review and Selection Process?

The ASCPA review process solicits content proposals and combines the collective input of peers, volunteer leaders and professional staff to ensure that our members have a significant voice in co-creating the conference programming. Together, members and staff ensure that program content is timely, relevant and targeted to attendee needs.

All proposals go through an initial review process where they are evaluated by our Continuing Professional Education team based on the criteria below. Proposals that meet a pre-determined average score will then move forward to round two of the selection process with an Advisory Committee comprised of member volunteers from various communities of practice. During this review, the Advisory Committee further assesses the proposals to make recommendations for inclusion in the conference.

Content Criteria

  • Relevance
  • Program Design
  • Innovation